About Anic
With over 15 years of experience, I know how to keep an audience hooked, whether it’s on camera, on stage, or through videos and podcasts.
I’ve presented for National Geographic, moderated at the United Nations Climate Convention, and participated on podcasts and events for companies like on of the biggest banks in The Netherlands ABN AMRO, Accenture, and Harman.
I’m passionate about telling stories that push the world forward—I love working with companies committed to making a positive impact.
Are you interested in working together? Please, feel free to reach out.

My work revolves around these topics:
What i do
How will the future unfold? How will we work and live then? Many organizations are working on these kinds of questions. Let’s share their scenarios!
New technologies allow us to continually extend our limits. Making complex technology understandable is an exciting challenge.
A compelling story can bridge the gap between what’s happening in research institutions like universities & companies, and support for change within society.
What drives business owners? Major shifts demand innovative business models, services, and products. Role models and an inclusive vision of leadership are important.
I know how to craft stories that resonate
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About Anic van Damme
My Background
As for my background: I was news anchor for NOS op 3, a daily live show on NPO3, created tech-focused documentaries, and spent six years at NOS. NOS is the largest National news organization in The Netherlands.
In 2019, I joined RTL, where I hosted Bright on YouTube and TV channels RTL Z and RTL 7. As Head of Video I led their video strategy with a major growth on social.
My career started at SchoolTV, developing and presenting shows for younger audiences.
I love to connect through storytelling, whether it is in Dutch or English.