TV program, NOS op 3
In 2013, I started at NOS op 3 as the presenter of the daily live TV broadcasts on NPO3. NOS op 3 is a cross-media news platform from NOS that was focused on millennials at the time. NOS is the largest national news organization in the Netherlands.
I alternated presenting with reporting, creating news segments for the TV shows.
After 2016, we shifted our focus from TV to online. We began telling journalistic stories in different formats, like explainers, various video formats, and podcasts.
For example, we made explainers like “Cashen in de club” around the Amsterdam Dance Event. I also came up with a themed week about workforce automation called #worldwithoutwork. Plus, I regularly joined the NOS op 3 tech podcast.
I created short documentaries that aired on TV channel NPO3, including this one about a student association in Leiden and their special connection with the Maori.
In 2017, I switched NOS op 3 to focus more on domestic affairs in the NOS newsroom.

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